Orchid Wings


daydreams of flying,
white wings, soaring, gliding
on every breeze

something even water does —
in fluffy, white snowflakes

Copyright 2019 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: We’ve had our first flurries of fat flakes, and it was beautiful to watch. Luckily, no shoveling was required. I hope you’re warm and safe as winter approaches. My husband’s father is on hospice and his mom is having her knee replaced — he is 3,000 miles away helping them. But we are warm, safe and daydreaming of flying snowflakes.

Happy Poetry Friday and thanks to Rebecca Herzog at Sloth Reads for hosting the weekly roundup.

Poetry Friday with kids

And speaking of wings, when your words make poetry, sometimes you words have wings and fly to unexpected places. My words have flown into this new collection:


Writing Tip: If you want to be published: write, write and write some more. Give your words wings, and let them fly.

50 thoughts on “Orchid Wings

  1. Brenda, thank you for this lovely poem with wings! I have two large orchids in my dining room that smile at me every day, and now I know WHY they are smiling… because that’s where all of the TLD books have been hanging out, waiting to be sent to contributors like yourself. I’m so honored to share your work in another volume. Thank you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! Your orchid image is beautiful. I have one blooming in my bathroom. (It’s the room my orchids love best) They are a beautiful contrast to winter outside the window. Those last two lines in your poem are wow!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sooooooooo pretty! It’s really nice to see your link for Poetry Friday. I hope you are as well as your poems…even if there are some snowflakes to brush away.


    • I was in a butterfly sanctuary, but I imagined it as mine for a few glorious minutes. 🙂 Great to see you. I have been on hiatus because my father-in-law was very ill and passed. Too sad. Thanks for stopping by. Happy Holidays!


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