Nearly Happy Halloween


Nearly Halloween,
time to see the unseen:
alligators in the milkweed,
cell bars in the pavement,
and everything spooky In-Between.

Copyright 2018 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: I have the flu (high fever, aches & pains, shaky hands, aching belly) so this post is a last-minute, middle-of-the-night, coughing-too-hard-to-sleep fever dream. Happy Spooky Poetry Friday! Thanks to Kay McGriff at A Journey Through The Pages for hosting this week’s roundup!

27 thoughts on “Nearly Happy Halloween

  1. Oh, no! I’m so sorry you’ve been sick. Your photo and poem are nice and spooky though–no doubt aided by late night fever issues! I love the phrase “time to see the unseen.” Take care of yourself and get well soon!

    Liked by 1 person

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