Sea Holly Hats


sea holly hats,
fascinators on the thinnest stems
with royal collars

Copyright 2018 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: All set to write about thistle, I discovered these are sea holly, a relative of the carrot. Thistle is Scotland’s national emblem. A friend is marrying in August suggests guests wear fascinators, the fancy hats Brits wear to weddings. So I have fascinators on the brain! *Laughing at myself*

23 thoughts on “Sea Holly Hats

  1. I love the poem.
    But fascinators,
    fail to fascinate.
    I just have never felt the need,
    to stick a silly hat upon my head.
    Probably because,
    they look ridiculous.
    I do wear hats though.
    Ski hats, snow hats.
    The kinda hats you wear,
    when skiing,
    or visiting Antarctica,
    when wearing a hat,
    is a matter of survival.
    I do kinda look good in those hats.
    Because all you see,
    of me,
    is snow gear,
    and the hat.

    So, if I ever go to a British wedding,
    I should wear my goggles,
    and ski hat,
    don’t ya’ think?
    Love you Brenda!

    Liked by 2 people

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