Cherry Blossom Wind


A day of cherry blossoms
hanging fragile in spring sunshine,
a day before ice cream trucks,
before the crack of ball against bat,
before sun bakes the grass brown.
A day when a damp wind
sent winter shivers.
A day of mothers, children,
and beaming fathers watching
fish in a river of pink petals.

Copyright 2018 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: I hope if you celebrated Mother’s Day, it was as delightful as mine. Despite a virus, I wandered in a cherry blossom wind by the Charles River. Although, afterwards I needed a nap, and today my head is pounding. But the memory is still sweet.

37 thoughts on “Cherry Blossom Wind

  1. Pingback: Cherry Blossom Wind — Friendly Fairy Tales | By the Mighty Mumford

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