Spring Blue

Just budding trees against a blue sky

the first bumblebee
an envoy from under stone,
sun salutation

Copyright 2018 Brenda Davis Harsham 

Notes: Early one morning, my daughter and I spotted a bumblebee flying hither and yon. It crawled under a paving stone and disappeared into an underground nest. Have you ever seen a bee crawling underground?

Happy Poetry Friday and thanks to Jama at Jama’s Alphabet Soup for hosting!

Poetry Friday Heron

57 thoughts on “Spring Blue

  1. You captured all the fresh newness of spring in your photo — the blue sky, the new leaves, the blossoms — GORGEOUS!

    Yes, I knew bumblebees made underground nests. Always good to see one go under so you know to avoid it!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Lovely photo and poem and how special to notice the bumblebee with your daughter. I’ve heard they do that but never seen one. However, one summer which we call the “cicada summer” because there hundreds of them (in Texas then), we had cicada killers (wasp) burrow all over our lawn. We had an underground watering system with great topsoil which they loved. We couldn’t cut our lawn because they’d come out and chase/sting whoever was mowing. We tried everything and finally had to have an exterminator spray.

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  4. bee-utiful haiku Brenda, and lovely image too! Wish I had come across your link about ground bees and using tubing to redirect their entry a few years ago. We had a nest right outside our door and we all continued to get stung repeatedly throughout the summer–so my husband unfortunately took care of them. Happy Mother’s Day to come!

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  5. There is lots of brilliant blue going around today! I have learned that some bees burrow underground, but I haven’t caught one in the act yet!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Blue just for you! The funny part was, we were in a hurry walking my daughter to school. Yet, we were so puzzled that the bee had flown down to the stone, that we stayed to watch. I guess that curiosity about the world is why she and I are both poets. 🙂


  6. “Envoy” is a great word. Much nicer to see a bumblebee than a yellow jacket! We have had yellow jacket problems here. My mom actually likes the carpenter bees living in her garage, but probably not enough to write a poem about them. 🙂

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  7. I’m not sure of bumblebees, but long ago my son stepped on a hole and bees erupted. He was stung quite a lot! It hurt but thank goodness he wasn’t allergic! Yes, bees are underground, too! Your discovery & poem capture is just right, Brenda!

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  8. We have a couple underground hives of bumblebees. We discovered them last year. I never knew they did that. But there they were going in and out totally ignoring the humans observing. We have lots of red ants in the ground, too. I never go barefoot outside since we moved here. Pointy rocks, bees, ants, none are friends of feet.

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