Words Keep Me

Pink Hyacinth in Rain

implacable rain
drenches skin, soil and stem but
my words keep me dry

Copyright 2018 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: This poem was inspired by the poem Warm by Ann Whitford Paul:

Winter winds howl, yet
we stay warm, wrapped in cozy
pages of our book.

I found her shivery-cold poem in Jumping Off Library Shelves: A Book of Poems, selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins and illustrated by Jane Manning. It fit with the cold April rain. I’ve been reading kids poetry collections  — I’m working on one of my own. Anyone else working on a collection?

Happy Poetry Friday and thanks to Irene Latham at Live Your Poem for hosting!


Writing Tip: Look for contrasts (wet to dry, cold to warm, shade to sun) that convey both setting and transformation with amazingly few words.

61 thoughts on “Words Keep Me

  1. Ta da! I can see your website. I really do get such a charge…as in re-charge of a deep breath, shoulders relaxed, look up at the sky for a moment to enjoy peace feeling when I stop by here. Your short poems capture beautiful moments…with such gorgeous photos. Your words keep more than you warm and dry in the rain of busyness.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Brenda, Words Keep You Dry but your flowers get doused by the rain. We have the rain too. It is cold rain that makes you want to have soup (which I did). I like both poems but really like #1. I posted my invitation to my spring gallery, Sense-sational Spring. I am sure that you will have no problem using your senses to create poetry for the gallery. Thanks in advance.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Wonderful haiku, Brenda. The title of your post (excerpted from your poem) caught my attention. What about a list poem entitled “Words Keep Me”?

    Liked by 3 people

    • I’m reading your books. Dumpling Soup made me want to give you a huge hug and share some dumplings. And the Aunt farm was such fun! I’m excited to read the Woman in the Moon next. I applied to be Artist in Residence at Volcanoes National Park this summer. Even if I don’t get it, it has me thinking of Hawai’i everyday. Ahhh.

      Liked by 1 person

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