Bittersweet Blues

Stormstorm with blue house

bittersweet spring,
winter has overstayed
cold silence

Copyright 2018 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: Inspired by True Love Blues from Nikki Grimes’ Hopscotch Love: A Family Treasury of Love Poems, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1999. Her wonderful book made me appreciate my family, as did having a true story about my grandmother published in Chicken Soup for the Soul’s anthology, My Amazing Mom: 101 Stories of Love and Appreciation, announced in yesterday’s post. I also crowed about a recent Honorable Mention in Vivian Kirkfield’s #50PreciousWords contest. So despite power outages, trees falling on my driveway and a feint by another nor’easter, I am sitting pretty.

Here is an excerpt of Nikki Grimes’ poem, True Love Blues

Love means putting others first —
That’s what love’s about…..
But the way you hog that apple pie
Proves you still ain’t figured that out.

Happy Poetry Friday and thanks to Laura Purdie Salas at Writing the World for Kids for hosting!

Poetry Friday Heron

55 thoughts on “Bittersweet Blues

  1. Congratulations on all your good news this week! I love that excerpt from Grimes poems. I’ve shared dessert with a few like that pie lover! Stay warm and toasty through winter’s last gasp. We’re going back and forth between rain and snow today.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Not at all surprised at the words successes….but so happy for you. Congratulating here with a mug of cocoa that your photo calls for. It’s sure nice to be able to be in your circle…to learn with you and from you and to celebrate the wins!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry about the tree and that terrible weather you’ve been having, but love the attitude. Love is what keeps us living, and maybe sharing some pie! Thanks, Brenda!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Indeed you ARE sitting pretty! Yay for your recent recognitions… it can be just the shot in the arm to keep us going, can’t it? And this: Winter WILL fall away eventually… xo


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