A Book by the Brook: Book Reviews at FriendlyFairyTales.com

For those who like to be in on the newest news, you should check out the book trailer for a brand new poetry collection. Hidden parks and irrepressible dandelions put down tap roots and grow up wild in Sarah Grace Tuttle‘s Hidden City: Poems of Urban Wildlife, Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2018. Amy Schimler-Safford’s art highlights nature’s amazing adaptation to cities, from falcons nesting on the thirty-second floor to fairy rings of mushrooms and pigeon courtship dances. Their sunflower buffet feeds my hungry soul.

Notes: This is part of my new Book by the Brook micro review series. I hope you’re enjoying it as much as I enjoyed reading Sarah’s delightful feast of words: Aster. Sorrel. Nectar. Bagels. Fish heads. Broccoli. Ladybugs. Moss.

Writing Tip: The right words in the right order. Good writing is as simple as that. And if you are working on a collection of kid’s poetry and have questions, Sarah was kind enough to answer some questions of mine. Maybe she answered one of yours.

Happy Poetry Friday! Thanks to Linda Baie at TeacherDance for hosting.

Poetry Friday with kids


  1. Nice micro book review concept, Brenda! I look forward to more of the series! I also really enjoyed reading your Q & A with Sarah—useful questions, thorough and thoughtful responses. (BTW, did you mean to have comments disabled over there? You mentioned that folks can leave questions, but I didn’t see where readers could do that.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just read about Sarah’s book on Michelle’s Little Ditty blog, so it was fun to see it here, too. Thanks for linking to the book trailer, Brenda. It’s marvelous! Thanks also for your comment on my sonnet last week–I’ve been offline and haven’t had a chance to respond until today.

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  3. Thank you for sharing this book. It looks delightful. I’ve always been fascinated by how nature can take root and even thrive in the most unlikely of places!

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  4. A tempting book! Shoot. I had to delete what I was saying. I typed this phrase and thought – ooh, what a great title or opening line. Don’t you hate/love when that happens?! So I’ve copied and pasted it in my idea folder! Thanks!
    This looks like a wonderful collection of poems. I’ll have to check it out!

    Liked by 1 person

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