

reverie on a hillside,
oh to be a silver birch
warm in summer sun

Copyright 2017 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: Awk! Is it Friday again already?! Happy PF all you lovely poet friends. Thanks to the lovely Jama for hosting. Stop by for delicious words, in the best order.

Poetry Friday with kids

Week Two of NaNoWriMo. Writing goals: met. Beds: unmade. Laundry: unfolded but clean. PF Post: Up. (If terse.) Food: main food group present and accounted for (read: candy). State of Mind: Don’t Ask!

36 thoughts on “Reverie

  1. I can send you some sunshine if you like. I actually overheated yesterday, helping my children move house on a 37 degree C day. (about 100 F). Love the haiku, love your summary, good luck with the rest of NANO

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can feel the warm sun on my back despite the fact that winter cold has slapped me across the face! Keep warm. Perhaps we should think about a face-to-face after the holidays, when the loooong winter depression sets in?

    Liked by 1 person

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