

Let marathoners
thunder past,
I will dilly-dally
on trimmed grass,
nodding to daffodils
sunny with yellow,
reading aloud
a little Longfellow.

Copyright 2017 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: In the past, I turned to Wordsworth, but this year these two poems inspired me to reflect on Boston’s spring marathon, yet again, passing me by:


She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,
She wore her greenest gown;
She turned to the south wind
And curtsied up and down.
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbour:
“Winter is dead.”

— A.A. Milne

The Brook

Laugh of the mountain! — lyre of bird and tree!
Pomp of the meadow! mirror of the morn!
The soul of April, unto whom are born
The rose and jessamine, leaps wild in thee!
Although, where’er thy devious current strays,
The lap of earth with gold and silver teems,
To me thy clear proceeding brighter seems
Than golden sands, that charm each shepherd’s gaze.
How without guile thy bosom, all transparent
As the pure crystal, lets the curious eye
Thy secrets scan, thy smooth, round pebbles count!
How, without malice murmuring, glides thy current!
O sweet simplicity of days gone by!
Thou shun’st the haunts of man, to dwell in limpid fount!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Christie at Wondering and Wandering set me on this path. We are near enough to frequent the same garden centers. Happy Poetry Friday and thanks to Teaching Authors for hosting! Thanks to Carol Varsalona for the new badge below. Check out her call for Springsations submissions.
Poetry Friday borrowed from Carol Varsalona

46 thoughts on “Daffodalliance

  1. Pingback: Daffodil Runes | Friendly Fairy Tales
  2. Hooray, Brenda! I love it when we inspire each other. I thought of you this week as I enjoyed my daffodils, and couldn’t wait to see where you’d run with this topic. The Longfellow is new for me and I was just enjoying the view of his lovely home last evening as we strolled down Brattle Street to a concert on a gloriously perfumed spring evening. Daffodils and tulips in abundance. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that title too, Brenda. “DAFFODALLIANCE” is perfect, especially for the topic of skipping the marathon and reading Longfellow instead. I love the Milne poem, know it, but the Longfellow is new. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I went sipping Longfellow, searching for just the right poem for a dalliance. 🙂 The title took the longest time. It all came together with the help of a spelling dictionary, cough syrup and a late night. LOL

      I read the Longfellow to my 8-year old daughter, and I felt sad at how language flexibility is shrinking. We are more and more limited to what children hear daily and feel comfortable with.


  4. Flowers seem to be a topic of choice this week! I love the picture and your poem made me feel so happy inside. Thank you!
    I will dilly-dally
    on trimmed grass,
    nodding to daffodils
    sunny with yellow,

    Liked by 1 person

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