Winter Accumulation


Accumulation of flakes,
millions of unique crystals soften and transform.

Accumulation of fun,
kids freed by snow romp, stomp and play.

Accumulation of cold,
making February seem longer though it’s shorter.

Accumulation of music,
birds sing, ice pings, trees creak, snowballs thump.

Copyright 2017 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: I’ve been blogging 4 years today. 873 posts. 147 countries visited. 148, 081 page views, 100,897 likes, 6,000 followers. How unexpected. Thanks to all my readers!

Have snow days gone away? Or will more snow fall for us all? Either way, have a magical day.


47 thoughts on “Winter Accumulation

  1. Your posts are exactly like that timely little snowfall that brightens up the muddy winter/spring monochrome. I’m ready for all the enchantment you have yet to share with us! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on your blog’s anniversary, Brenda. Your post made me long for snow — we’ve had a warm, warm winter in Maryland. 70 degrees in February and the trees are blooming, but I’m a winter baby and miss those softening, transforming crystals.

    Liked by 1 person

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