Only One Hat Fits, poem by Brenda Davis Harsham (ME, IN A HAT Poetry and Prose Series)

Thanks to Silver Birch Press for publishing my poem, Only One Hat Fits. Have a magical week this last week before the New Year!

Silver Birch Press

brendaOnly One Hat Fits
by Brenda Davis Harsham

I try on hats,
in stores by the dozen,
but only one fits
my too-big head.
I wear it hiking
by millponds, up hillsides,
along ridge trails
and into the cloud bank.
The tight weave
keeps my face
from burning red
and the brim hugs without
I walk cracked sidewalks
pushing a stroller
stocked with every wipe
and diaper cream.
My daughter’s curls bounce,
her feet kick and she sings
to herself. And me.
My hat brim gets dark,
then darker.
My daughter grows out
of her stroller,
and we sell it on craigslist.
I feel a pang for its loss.
I explore disc golfing
in a hat, slam into low
branches. Stuffs into
a backpack, so light.
My hat brim stains darken.
I try on hats again.
No other hat fits
my too-big head.
I can’t give up my

View original post 159 more words

31 thoughts on “Only One Hat Fits, poem by Brenda Davis Harsham (ME, IN A HAT Poetry and Prose Series)

  1. Very sweet, Brenda! Love it, and your hat.
    I went over to Silver Birch, and finished reading it there, and liked.
    Hope your holidays are being wonderful! _Resa 😀
    PS> I’m almost finished Artemis Art Gown, then the Cat, then the fairy. Can’t get orange out of my head!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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