Winter Pale


The pale of winter shines
from pine cones dangling,
left by wind and chance,
promise of saplings future.

Like my image in the mirror,
gray curls outline ears,
face washed of summer color and
etched by seasons past.

My young kids shine with
autumn’s pallor, moon-white.
Within is summer’s restless
warmth and immortality present.

Copyright 2016 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: Happy Poetry Friday! Thanks to Bridget Magee at Wee Words for Wee Ones for hosting! You can also see a post of mine from a few days ago about my poem being included in the Best of Today’s Little Ditty Anthology: 2014-2015 (Volume 1). You can also enter a giveaway of Finding Wonders.

Poetry Friday with kids

56 thoughts on “Winter Pale

  1. Such a beautiful poem, which celebrates the season and reminds us that winter could be also a joyful experience and something to be grateful for. ❄️🙏🏻💙 Sending Love and best wishes, dear Bren

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Once again, you have dazzled me Brenda. Your words glisten like tiny snowflakes softly falling. I think Old Man Winter is walking the wood, too. Stop by the ridge if you get a chance. I have a poem welcoming the old man as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your first three lines are gorgeous:
    The pale of winter shines
    from pine cones dangling,
    left by wind and chance,

    I think you’re right about the snow heading our way. There’s a different kind of chill in the air now.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “Within is summer’s restless
    warmth and immortality present”
    I think this is inside all of us, Brenda, no matter the amount of gray framing our faces. I love your reflective take on the changing season. Beautiful. =)

    Liked by 1 person

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