The Elves Must Go

Oak leaves with red at the edges

Leaves touch earth with a
quiet whisper that sadly says,
the elves must go.
It’s time, it’s true.

Frost unfurls in fern-like
spirals on puddles, churned
by booted feet yesterday.
The elves must go.

The west wind arrives with
dancing flakes, tapping
morse code on windowpanes.
It’s time, it’s true.

Queen bees drowse in
honeycomb bowers.
Each tiny snore is a soft
farewell. The elves must go.

Copyright 2016 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: I read Fairy Song, a poem by Louisa May Alcott, at Kurious Kitty’s Kurio Cabinet, and I decided to write my own version. This concept of using a mentor poem (or book) is something I only discovered after I joined writer groups.

Happy Poetry Friday! Visit Jama for wisdom, healing and poetry with a side of tea. Thanks for hosting, Jama!

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62 thoughts on “The Elves Must Go

    • Yes! They must come back. I was thinking of this as a metaphor for the election season as well. Perhaps our hopes of a more balanced world where a woman could be president may have to hibernate, but they will return with a new spring. I hope the political winter is not too harsh.


  1. Brenda, I love your poem and its melancholy, wistful mood with that solemn repetition of the unavoidable departure. Late fall feels like that, doesn’t it? (The promise of ice fairies is a sweet consolation though! ) The lines “Queen bees drowse in/honeycomb bowers” are just beautiful. I enjoyed knowing that you’d been inspired by Louisa May Alcott, one of my childhood favorites, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Among all the other things we are saying goodbye to, I love that you are writing of a goodbye to elves, Brenda. It’s a little sadness with all the other goodbyes. I love this part and the way it sounds: “Frost unfurls in fern-like/spirals on puddles”. We are unusually warm still, and butterflies and bees are still here & not drowsy at all! Perhaps soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. In Iceland people take great care of elves because there you have special ELVES RESPONSIBLES who need to approve construction of new roads or houses such in order to avoid that the elves or fairies become very naughty or leave their hereditary domiciles. This is really true!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: From Chinese Food to Poetry – Humoring the Goddess

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