Fairy Dreams by Joy

Here is a visit by a fellow Poetry Friday writer, Joy, all the way from Hawaii. I hope you have a couple minutes to visit her by clicking the link on her name.

Moody Sky at river

A fairy comes to visit
me in my dream
together we eat
berries with cream.

We sail upon
a vanilla lake,
our raft is made
of chocolate cake.

Together we have
so much fun at play
as we sing and dance
the night away.

–by Joy from Hawaii

Note: Poetry Friday is for poetry lovers everywhere. You can post original or well-loved poems by others. Many of the participants write for kids of all ages, as I do, but some publish adult poetry, too.

19 thoughts on “Fairy Dreams by Joy

  1. Joy is how I feel when Spring comes around and every year. She really knows how to reach into her ” inner child.” 🙂 This was a pretty way to float on a tasty lake! Nicely shared by a kind and ever young Brenda. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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