Lune a Lark


Tiger Striped Longwing Heliconius ismenius

butterfly spreads wings
a lark sings
oh, the joy spring brings

Copyright 2016 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This is my first attempt at a lune, and I was in a rhyming mood. A lune is a haiku variant with syllable count of 5-3-5 instead of the usual 7-5-7. Morgan wrote a magical one. I know I saw one a few weeks ago on Poetry Friday, but then I lost track of who’d written it. If it was you, let me know, and I’d be happy to link up.

Thanks to Michelle Heidenrich Barnes, a prolific poet and champion of poetry, at Today’s Little Ditty for hosting Poetry Friday.

Poetry Friday with kids

The butterfly is a Tiger-Striped Longwing (Heliconius ismehius). The photo was taken at the Boston Museum of Science’s Butterfly Garden.

30 thoughts on “Lune a Lark

  1. I’ve been enjoying your wonderful butterfly pictures, you’ve seen a real assortment of them so far! It’s still way too cool for butterflies in England, could be at least another month away yet, or maybe two. I used to be scared of them, but I seem to love them now. There’s hope for the spiders yet – I might get to appreciate them one day soon. 😉

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