Spring’s Poetry

Skunk Cabbage -- Symplocarpus foetidus

squelching ramble
beneath bare branches
and yearning buds
yields a vast harvest
in my wintry soul
of spring faith.
chases squirrel,
and mallards swim
interlocking figure eights.
Robins hop,
black eyes gleaming.
Trees believe.
Daffodils believe.
And I believe that
has arrived and
the last flake has flown.
Green will soon entwine
in great forest archways.
Mother Earth is moist,
and scented
with spring faith.

Copyright 2016 Brenda Davis Harsham

“Spring has returned. The Earth
is like a child that knows poems.”

— Rainer Maria Rilke

Note: I found this quote at the Wobbly Dum-Dum Tree blog, and it spoke to my heart. Rainer Maria Rilke was an Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist born in 1875, that same year as my Step-Grandfather. The photo is from a woodland ramble I took this morning. It’s of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus), which doesn’t smell too bad as a baby. It’s rather pretty as so many babies are.

Poetry Friday with kids

Happy National Poetry Month! And welcome to all Poetry Friday friends. Many thanks to Amy Ludwig VanDerwater for hosting this week at the Poem Farm, now celebrating its sixth birthday. Amy is a many-times published poet and author of Forest Has A Song and Every Day Birds, both wonderful poetry picture books.

84 thoughts on “Spring’s Poetry

  1. “I want to be with those who know secret things or else alone” Rainer Maria Rilke

    Reflecting nature often and with intensity gets us closer to those secret things and to each other. Thanks for the touch of Spring–in word and picture.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the feeling of those plants believing, streeeetttcchhiinngg towards sprriiiing!! 😀 What is the plant, it reminds me of an orchid I bought my mum when I was a teenager. Has it got a spiky ball on the inside? Snap!!! I posted the same quote on my Tumblr blog a week or two ago – we must be mind reading!! It’s a beautiful quote, I’d not heard of it until recently.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Snow Flowers | Friendly Fairy Tales
  4. I was amused about the rambling Brenda, seeking signs of Spring. 🙂 The skunk cabbage coming out, unfurling like the ferns do was a precious “newborn” plant. Good to know not so stinky, too. I enjoyed this romp, Brenda.
    I posted a snowy April Fool’s Day post and heard 3 or 4 groans about snow coming on Sunday and one said it was a “nasty prank!” 😦 Made me sad. I can see here you, too, are in the frame of mind of~ “Snow be gone!” 😉

    Liked by 3 people

  5. The picture shows the poem so beautifully. I am so excited to have some warmth and growth happening here. Perhaps it will stay? I love the Rilke quote, and this: “interlocking figure eights.”-just the right image. Thanks for your spring welcome!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks, Linda. I was glad the words came. I had the picture and quote for two days and nothing. Then they flowed in the way words mysteriously do. I plan to catch up with all the PF posts tonight and tomorrow. Such fun.


  6. Start to stop, thank you for a tribute to poetry as well as to Spring. “Trees believe”–there’s something especially intriguing about that thought. God bless you. Thank you for another extraordinarily beautiful photo to accompany equally beautiful spirit-filled words. Happy Poetry Month!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. “Trees believe.
    Daffodils believe.
    And I believe…”

    What a lovely poem of hope. I believe too. It’s here. It’s here.
    Happy National Poetry Month! xo

    Liked by 2 people

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