Happy World Poetry Day!

Some people never go crazy.
What truly horrible lives they must lead.

— Henry Charles Bukowski

purple crocus shining in sun

I have greatly enjoyed my crazy poetry-filled day. It was touch or go, with a snow day forecast, but we were lucky to have only a delay.

If I reblogged, tweeted, linked up to or just commented on your post today, know that I’m grateful. These early crocuses, now buried in snow, are my thanks to you for sharing with me and my readers.

I’m only sad I couldn’t have read more posts or visited more of my talented friends. If I missed your post, I am diminished. Perhaps you should link up here in the comments. Feel free to join the Poetry Party! Now I’m off to see the Wizard.

Have a magical week,


More wonderful reads (in no particular order):

CPSingleton42’s No. 3057
EvaPoetEx’s Wonder and Wisdom
Catherine Flynn’s Breakfast of the Birds
Trini Lind’s Tales from the Fairies
Linda Baie’s Spring Shilly-Shally
Ruth shared Wendell Berry
Amy Ludwig VanDerwater’s Lesson from a Stone Bowl
Elizabeth Steinglass’s Two Spring Haiku
NatalieScarberry sharing Mary Oliver
Pat Cegan’s Without Love

19 thoughts on “Happy World Poetry Day!

  1. Hi Brenda! Maggie picked YOU as the winner of Poet: The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton by Don Tate. Please email me with your address, and I will get it shipped to you! irene at irenelatham dot com

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was great seeing you again, Brenda!!! It’s freezing here too, so there is a “lag” in my flowers. Oh well, Mother seems to have other plans for now, so we all wait. Have a great week and thank you for sharing all you did today!!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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