Joyful Heart


Fairies gladden, sharing beauty,
Fences cannot hold them back.
They dance in and out of spindles
Spreading magic along their track.

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Happy Monday! I’ll soon be traveling and changing time zones, but I will still be in search of magic. May you find some in your life, too! My heart shines with joy at beginning a summer adventure. I hope you go adventuring, too! And I have discovered the joy of compression bags and packing cubes. LOL These are quite magical things not unlike Hermione’s beaded bag in Book 7 of Harry Potter. How I long for Hermione’s beaded bag… What are you longing for?

60 thoughts on “Joyful Heart

    • Aw, thank you! And no worries, I have to do drive-bys, too, or I would miss so much. My reader fails me on a regular basis. It’s been losing my likes and wasting hours of my time. So frustrating!! Hugs, Brenda


  1. I’m sure those fairies dance in and out of the spindles in your garden all the time – it always looks so lovely! 🙂 I hope you have an enjoyable time travelling wherever you go! I have no idea what Hermione’s beaded bag is, but it sounds like it might be something I’d want!! 😀


    • You haven’t read Harry Potter?!? Oh, I have now read them three or four times. I read them aloud with my second son. I started liking middle grade fiction when I was pregnant. I’m still reading it 12 years later, and I’m writing it, too. Getting pregnant changed my life on so many levels. So very thoroughly. Anyway, yes, I’m sure you would want Hermione’s beaded bag. 🙂


  2. Oh dear, I’m fascinated with bloming flowers and Harry Potter. U’re right that travelers need Hermione’s beaded bag to carry all the stuffs they want (especially fashionistas) ❤


  3. Oh, I love love this poem Brenda!!! It is so lovely! 🙂 And now I am soooo curious where you are going!!! 🙂 Oh, and those flowers in the photo are beautiful!! 🙂 Right now, I am longing for my granny’s pancakes!! 🙂 But I am going to Norway end of this month and she has promised me to make them:-) Yum yum!!! 🙂 Lots of Love and a big hug to you dearest Fairy-Brenda! 🙂 Hope you will see lots of little fairies on your trip! 🙂


  4. My longing . . . to live in the world of Harry Potter . . . that it would be real. I cannot separate myself from who I used to be – the hero in a grand mission. EWriting shall have to suffice now. Happy adventuring!


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