Happy Independence Day!

Melted Popsicle

Happy Independence Day!!

Holiday today,
Now we shall play.
Popsicles, tricycles,
Big kids on bicycles.

Let’s fire up the grill
Flip burgers with a will.
Eat the first home-grown tomatoes
With salad made from potatoes.

We just need to see the sun
For the whole day to be fun.
We plan to see the fireworks tonight:
The whole day will turn out right!

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: Due to rainy weather, all of the above fun will happen tomorrow when we see the sun. Luckily we are flexible. 🙂

If you need a story to read the kids, try Fairy Independence Day.

32 thoughts on “Happy Independence Day!

  1. Oh, your rained off plans sound very British Brenda!!! 😀 We have that all the time, so much effort goes into the planning of a day and then – RAIN! 😐 It’s good to be flexible though. I hope you had a lovely time and got to enjoy all that delicious food and sparkly fireworks. Sounds like my kind of fun!


  2. Dammit the weather!!.. lol

    Though like you said, luckily there’s flexibility!

    It’s been and gone now, I hope you had a wonderful celebration (whatever day you got to celebrate it)



  3. Brenda, The grill didn’t get fired up, but the folks in the neighborhood created quite the noise for well over an hour. And the brother in law made some great chicken parm for dinner. We had a wonderful 4th, thank you, and I hope yours was equally wonderful. Take care, Bill


    • Very restful, thanks! We had a nonstop torrential downpour, so it was peaceful. Today, we will fire up the grill. 😀 We have steak, burgers and dogs, baked beans and corn on the cob. We’re ready. LOL That was how we celebrated when I grew up, and it seems right to keep it going. Hugs, Brenda


  4. That sounds so happy and fun! You’ve captured the essense of celebration in your words Brenda. Happy Independence Day!

    Sent from My Blackberry® @ Tata Docomo


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