Forsythia Fairy Path

Forsythia path

Forsythia: golden bells curving overhead;
A green path winds through the hedge.
I step under the archway and stop dead.
A forsythia fairy flutters, about to fledge.

The air is filled with crystalline shine,
And a magic gale forces me backward.
I catch a glimpse of the fairy in flight, sublime.
Then the path is empty; my tale fractured.

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham


52 thoughts on “Forsythia Fairy Path

  1. Hi Brenda – love the pictures in the poem – now about the picture in the photo.

    If you take your glasses off you can see quite clearly, I don’t think a fairy – it looks more like an elf to me. He is standing in the shadows just to the left of the centre – he has one of those leprechaun type hats on and a dark jacket and slightly lighter coloured trousers, possibly with boots on. Considering the close association with gold flowers – maybe he is actually a leprechaun and not an elf at all. Would you need a rainbow as well, or would a leprechaun on his own be enough to sprinkle all that gold about? I’m not truly sure how elves relate to gold. Are you?

    I tried putting my glasses back on to see if I could see him better – but of course, as you know, that is quite pointless. I guess you were ‘knocked out’ at seeing the fairy and missed him in the shadows there.


  2. Everyone loves the brilliant yellow of forsythias and this poem does the flower ‘proud!’ This was a splendid and bright post today! That fairy was a ‘force to be reckoned with!’ Hugs, Robin


  3. Brenda, Forsythia are another blooming springtime plant I miss, we have them here in Florida but not in the abundance of Northern Virginia. I do miss the miles and miles of them you would see along I -95, and my backyard. Take care, Bill


    • Hi Bill, Forsythia is the one of the most wild, hardy and beautiful of the spring bloomers. I have some, and it’s always trying to take over my driveway. 🙂


  4. Oh, how wonderful to see a fairy!! 🙂 I also want to see one!! I have seen a tiny troll once when I was little, but never a fairy, I have only seen the fairy lights 🙂 🙂 🙂


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