Spring is Sprung

The fairies have been busy.
Under the deepest snow,
They have sprinkled vernal equinox sparkles,
And everywhere spring is springing!

Irises Hear Spring's Song

Irises Hear Spring’s Song

Hyacinth Yearns Toward Sun

Hyacinths Yearn toward the Sun

Crocuses Stretch Upwards

Crocuses Create a Green Crescendo

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

52 thoughts on “Spring is Sprung

  1. Brenda, I know a ton of folks up north are going finally!!!! I know that for me it was when the Crocuses poked their heads up and out, even if there was snow still on the ground. That was the greatest sign. I know the rest of the flowers would soon be showing their heads at the proper moments. Thanks, Bill


    • Bill, First the crocuses and then the forsythia…. I look forward to that, but we aren’t there yet. Alas. This year they are predicting that everything will bloom together because it was cold so late. Allergies will be bad. I look forward to it, though. 🙂 Take care, Brenda


  2. How strange that you are longing for green grass to appear. It’s the same over here (or is that down under here) in southern Australia where the grass is beginning to green up after the long summer dry . I hope you aren’t in the part of the USA that is being hit by the spring blizzards – they look very cold


    • Thanks! I was so happy to see those little green shoots, three separate walks in three separate directions were needed to find them all. 🙂 And we are supposed to get snow tonight! Augh!!


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