If She Can, So Can You!

Thanks to my new friend, Amy, who wrote this beautiful poem for me. I am proud to be someone who beats the odds. 🙂 I hope you have a magical day. My laptop is crash-crash-crashing, but I am hoping to sort it out today. Might be off-line doing that. Warmly, Brenda

In Heaven On Earth

Below is for a new friend, Brenda.

Friendly Fairy Tales … http://friendlyfairytales.com

(And all of my other friends who are struggling right now!)


Look how this Rose

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struggled just to exist.

She may not be perfect

nor pretty to some.

But yet She survived!

If She had folded

to disappointment,

She would not have

beaten those odds!

If She can, so can you.

Don’t quit. Keep going!

Just do your best

as this Rose did

and that is all

anyone …

including YOU …

can ask!

~The Rose~

Photography/Writing ©Amy Rose

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