To All in Pain Everywhere and Those in Sympathy

So many people are in pain, deep in their quiet lives. So many of us know people we love who are in pain. This poem and these flowers from my walk are a trifle, a brief balm, that cannot cure but are given in the hope that pain can ease for a few moments. I will be taking off a week to rest and renew with my family, and in the meantime, I leave you my love and caring, especially to all the children who skin their knees, who bang their heads, who hear harsh words or who suffer even worse than that. Take care of our children everywhere, inside us and out.

Through the Looking Glass

by Lewis Carroll (1872)

Child of pure, unclouded brow
And dreaming eyes of wonder!
Though time be fleet and 
I and thou
Are half a life asunder,
Thy loving smile will surely hail
The love-gift of a fairy tale.

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41 thoughts on “To All in Pain Everywhere and Those in Sympathy

  1. Wasn’t aware that Lewis Carroll wrote poems 🙂 You surely have some beautiful flowers to bless your camera – those in our backyard fails to bring such variety to the cam!


  2. I love New England, rich in history, I was impressed with scenic villages filled with flowers during my first visit there.
    I am no stranger to pain but manage nicely, thanks to my Doctor.
    best wishes


  3. we’ll miss you, but these lovely photos will help. 🙂 I love your flower/garden photos, and the light you share with us all. Enjoy your time away! xoxo


    • Thanks! Turns out I can use wi-fi at breakfast, so just my time on-line is limited. 🙂 Enjoying the ocean breeze, the pool and time with my kids and husband. 🙂 Hope you have a great week, too!


  4. I wonder if these pics are from your garden??
    none the less its beautiful…
    words- pictures- everything..
    thanks for sharing 🙂


    • A couple are from my own garden. The rest are from a walk I took. I like walkways — they allow my imagination to travel. 🙂 Warmly, Brenda


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