Caught by a Witch, What’s a Poor Mouse to do? Make Spine Poetry!


Super Zen Mouse,

Short, shy fellow,

Stranger in wildwood pond —

A summer spell —

Witch of blackbird pond, blue

Wolf feet, who

Force-swallowed a flea!

Inside Outside

Too Perfect Curse.

Click on the picture to see the spines larger and find the words (or letters) on the spines. Do you have poems laying around the house? You could go on a poetry treasure hunt like we did!

Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

Thanks for the idea Aussie Bookworm! Happy Friday and thanks for reading!


42 thoughts on “Caught by a Witch, What’s a Poor Mouse to do? Make Spine Poetry!

  1. Pingback: Friendly Fairy Tales | Lisa Lillibridge
      • You are so wonderfully clever! My little sister, of whom I took legal custody when she was 11, I was 22) got her masters in Library Science, and a short while later became a children and youth dept librarian in Deland, Florida, for many years. You kind of remind me of her. I admire you both.


        • I’m honored! It’s fun to concentrate on kids, although it does require a high personal standard of optimism or happiness or “upbeat-ness” for lack of the right word. I love your blog, too!


          • You are right. That personal censorship is not always so easy. With kids, no matter what the challenge or trap it is imperative that there be a way out. A solution has to be possible, even if it is an unknown solution. Is it trust, faith, love? Hope is to small a word and implies illusion. Goodness? Awareness?


            • True, that’s why magic is so important, even in our technological world. It’s faith, love, trust, life-force and the unknowable mystery. Magic is a child’s smile, a story that comes over obstacles to end well, and the feeling of peace of knowing you are taken care of and loved. Trying to teach without starting to preach. To encourage rather than instruct. To make available good material without pushing it. I aim for those goals. The first time a child said to me: “when will your next book be done?” was one of the best moments of my life.


  2. A good many of the children’s books I have for my grandson don’t have titles on the stapled paper spines. I’ve got a few other collections, but you can’t do much when they all have the same title. I’ve got several of Pinocchio and a few of The Wizard of Oz. But I like the idea.

    Cheers. Have a great summer! It hasn’t officially started! 🙂


    • There’s always the library. No one says you have to take a picture at your house. But you should only do it if it’s fun! My kids aren’t out of school for a couple more weeks, but I do feel like it’s summer already.


      • I am still not apt with photo programs. I’m hoping that by the end of the summer I’ll have minimal skills… I remember another similar type prompt where you take the first lines of several other poems (yours or others) or even chapters of the same book and then ‘Go play!’


          • My cell phone is so old…basically the only thing you can do on it is actually talk. (Well that’s all I can do anyway…I’m technically challenged.)

            Hubby is a computer guy…more fond of that other computer brand…I don’t think I’m up to learning another computer system, I can barely deal with Googles options – Picture me cross-eyed 🙂


            • My hubby is a computer guy, too. He had me on Linux but I rebelled and bought a macpro. I’m the classic end user. I don’t want to program. I just want software to make things easy for me. My last cell was the same, but then I washed it. Oops. 🙂 Free upgrades are the bomb!


            • Maybe next year…for a new phone that is, right after I replace my dino digital camera… after…Well you get the ‘picture’. 😉

              Why oh why can’t ‘they’ have programs that just speak with normal words? Computerese is so confusing!!!


            • I tried following a copy and paste instructions from a computer for dummies book and got lost because it wasn’t detailed enough.

              Maybe it was just me. But when my mouse didn’t cooperate any more, or maybe it was the older program a few years back that changed somehow…my son showed me how to do that process with the ctrl key and C and V. I wondered why V? How would I remember that? Another friend came to my rescue. C of course was copy or cut…but V = vomit… OK I can remember that! 🙂


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