Circus of the Impossible at Friendly Fairy Tales!!

Woo-hoo! I’m Brenda, the Friendly Fairy Tales Ringmaster, here to welcome one and all to my Circus of the Impossible!

Impossible to believe I would win 65 awards in 6 months of blogging!

Impossible to imagine publishing 37 magical stories and even 6 fairy tale poems since February 25.

More impossibilities: over 10,000 hits, visits from nearly 80 countries, over 100 people visiting my site daily, nearly 650 followers, and who knows how many likes, over 3300 at last count. I have to sit down a minute, I’m overheating and my head is swelling. Oh wait, it’s just a bug bite.

Blogging has boggled my mind and made my life into a circus of unanswerable hundreds of emails. As I told another blogger, I’m so far behind, I’m learning to like the view from back here. I love it, but holy flying wombats, is it a circus!!

Don’t get me wrong, I love every minute of it, and I’m eating it up like cotton candy. If I could split myself in two, one of me would happily blog all day long, publishing stories, poems and photographs, and reading, answering comments and loving your blogs, too. Since I’m only one human with the same 24 hours other people get, and more obligations than hair on my head, I’ll just keep plugging away: tumbling, juggling, clowning, training animals (oops, I mean kids), walking the high wire and swinging from the trapeze.

Finally, I’ll be your award juggler! Toss ’em high, watch ’em spin, high they fly, win, win, win! Don’t light the torches, I’m not ready yet! Augh, my hair is on fire!! Thanks hubby, always a good man with a bucket of cold water.

Thanks to Sawa Minori for three new awards: The I Love Your Blog Award, The Liebster Award and Because You’re Fantabulous Award. Sawa makes the most divine angels, and she is such an angel herself, she tells me I have no rules to follow. In her honor, I’m now turning somersaults, rolling like a gymnast in flowered tights. Now there’s an image.


Thanks to Patty at PetiteMagique, who gave me an array of awards, including handing me right back the awards I’d given her very deserving site. And she gave me two new ones I have not received before: The You are a Miracle Award (my own!!) and the Reader Appreciation Award. Oh, no, here come the kids with cream pies, run! Smack, too late! Whipped cream in my hair. (They don’t have to laugh like hyenas!)

MiracleBloggerAward    reader-app-award_thumb-1

To show my appreciation to Patty for a bouquet of awards I’ve already received, I will use my new award acceptance token to acknowledge and appreciate them, but not display all the icons again, which feels like bragging:


Thanks to Belsbror, one of my wonderful friends from the Phillipines, whose writing rings with passion and truth, for the Awesome Blossom and Because You’re Fantabulous Awards!! I’m balancing on the high wire, with an umbrella in one hand and goat in the other. (Don’t ask!)

because-ur-fantabulous    awesome-blossom

Just when I thought it was safe to press publish on this post, Belsbror gave me another award!!


Holy diving dolphins, is that the knife-thrower? I’d better wrap this up! Here’s today’s short list. Nominees, you can pick any two awards/tokens above you desire, or none if that is your preference. Feel free to take the Symphony of Color Icon, and use it like an award, it saves me time. And time is precious! Consider these nominations a hug from me (you have all made me contemplate your wonderfulness recently (is that a word? It should be)):

gita4elamats                JayNine                           toniandrukaitis

jnaima12                      stockresearch52           Schelley – What Is It?!?

Thanks for joining me, one and all, at my Circus of the Impossible. I hope many wonderful impossibilities come your way, too (except for the knife-thrower)! Here are a few more glimpses of my world and beautiful flowers to show my appreciation for all you wonderful readers, bloggers, friends, and family:

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With warmest appreciation, Brenda

Toe Note: Yes, those are my toes, and I included them as a tribute to Toemail, who rocks!

Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham



Today, I’m celebrating miracles, because that’s how I’ve chosen to live my life. I’ve survived high winds, close losses, car crashes, surgeries, floods, financial disasters, rejections untold, unwanted advice, criticism, ridicule and chronic pain. I’m still here writing, celebrating life and I have all of you to thank for buoying me up, day after day. Thanks for making me part of your world and for encouraging my writing. As for my newest flood, a deluge of awards… yes, you guessed it. Another award posting, woo-hoo!

The first award is near and dear to my heart, but I’m not accepting. Rather, I’m creating. I’m dedicating it to Elephant at Elephant’s Picture Book, whose idea it was that I come up with my own award to pass out.

Before I get to the first recipients, I hope you know that each of you are a miracle. You radiate magic and love. I’m privileged you share it with me. For all of you, I’m creating this new award: You are a Miracle Blogger Award.


This award comes with no rules or obligations. This award is for bloggers who inspire, who rise above, who survive, who triumph, who struggle or who just live. Bloggers who choose to live as if everything is a miracle. Here are the first bloggers to ever receive this award:

The Mobius Strip
Ms. Vee
Simple & Interesting

You have touched my heart.


Simple & Interesting dropped by in the wee hours with the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I hope any of the recipients named above, who have not gotten this award and would like it, will take it, too!

Thanks to Klove, who came to my party, and danced like a rock star. She scooped six golden awards and handed them back to me. She’s a miracle of love. Anyone who wants can link to the party site and scoop up to six awards. I’m offering them up liberally, having gotten them again makes me feel gluttonous. Please share them!

A last thank you to all my readers, big and small, new and old, happy and blue, don’t think I’ve forgotten you. Come on a walk with me:

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With deep admiration and appreciation for the brilliance of all of you,


P.S. Woo-hoo, this is my 50th Post!!