Summer has arrived in New England!


April Fools! We had hail, sleet and rain yesterday: what the weather professionals call a “wintry mix.” I prefer my wintery mix to include a fire in the fireplace, hot chocolate, a foot rub and my dinner delivered by the culinarily gifted. I wonder if that will ever happen. At least the pizza place delivers. šŸ™‚


Here are some brave early flowers, just poking up their heads and drinking some rain. The oak trees have started droppingĀ leaves, and new green leaves are sure to be along any day. Warmth and sunlight are predicted, but who knows if the weather professions are just joking or serious.

Have a fun First!

Warmly, Brenda

Copyright 2014 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: For any not familiar with the U.S.A. April First tradition, I will explain. The goal is to get someone to believe something diabolical, and wait forĀ them to interject: “What!?!” Then you yell “April Fool’s!!” And laugh a lot while they groan.