An Opera on Sunday

voici la fin de la semaine 
un petit opéra un dimanche 
pour tuer le temps,
le drame de Carmen 
cela vous mets l’âme en fête 
meme chanson, meme refrain

vive la musique 
qui nous tombe du ciel 

la chose enivrante 

je comprend un peu 
comme l’amour est un oiseau rebelle 
les mots: rien n’y fait, menace ou prière, 
les anneaux de cuivre et d’argent 

l’on regarde passer les passants 
pas du bousculade, belles voix, soleil brillant, mais 
l’oiseau s’envole 


the weekend is finally here 
a little opera on Sunday 
to pass the time, 
the drama of Carmen 
it takes your soul on holiday 
the same song, the same refrain 

long live the music 
which falls on us from heaven 

the intoxicating thing 

I understand a little 
how love is a rebellious bird 
the words: nothing works, threats or pleading, 
rings of copper and silver 

we watch people passing by
no jostling, beautiful voices, sun shining, but 
the bird flies away 

Copyright 2024 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: I was temporarily tired of my playlist. Of myself and my life. Too much bad news recently. Leftover chocolate mousse from my anniversary and an opera changed my mood. The French lyrics of Carmen are poetry, even scrambled and translated by me. It helped me remember the joy found in even in the smallest pleasures. I hope you’ll find a moment to savor a favorite memory — for me the time my son played violin in an orchestral performance of Carmen’s Habanera. At the time, I didn’t know what it was about, but the internet brings us answers if we know enough to ask the question.

14 thoughts on “An Opera on Sunday

  1. Lovely …cela me fait rêver et imaginer des moments imprimer dans les souvenirs d’une maman…thank you, it transported me to times my children performed in recitals. Blessings, Cheryl-Lynn x

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  2. Well Brenda. My husband is addicted to opera. I have been to almost every one, more than once, all over the opera globe. Opera plots are the most tragic horrible fiction I have ever read. I am the person, listening to the opera, while really paying more attention to the translated plots, they helpfully provide you with now. I would just suggest continuing to listen to opera and not pay any attention to the plots. Something I cannot do.

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