Love Stays


Love never fully goes away;
it lingers, like a vine white with winter,
remembering its heyday.
Its memory can sting like a splinter.

Best to give the vine sunshine;
don’t let it grow stiff and cold.
Green leaves unfold on mine
because new love grows from old.

Copyright 2016 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: I’ve joined Twitter, and my what a fun free-for-all party it is: a cocktail party with air kisses, heady drinks and no one pigeon-holing me with long stories. If you’re on Twitter and want to friend me, I’m @BrendaDHarsham. Eventually, I’ll figure out how to put that somewhere useful on my sidebar.

I’m not sure I like how WP publishes to Twitter, though. I wasn’t fond of the way it publishes to FB (no line breaks in text), but that’s better than how it publishes to Twitter. It just publishes the title then a link. None of the text of the post appears, just one photo. No matter how engaging your first line or two, no one on Twitter will see it unless they click the link. Now I understand why so many people put hashtags in post titles — because otherwise, they never show up in your tweet, and won’t pop into anyone’s search on that tag without them.

And you can’t edit a tweet. You have to delete and redo if you post in the middle of the night in a state of advanced exhaustion (and grammar has departed for the day).

All that said, the people on Twitter have been welcoming and lovely. Hugs all around.

23 thoughts on “Love Stays

  1. I really like the idea of new love growing from old. I guess everything grows from everything anyway. Life is like a continuous friendship cake! 😉

    Great to see you on Twitter Brenda, joining in the fun, but don’t overdo it, it can be a bit of time absorber! But at least it’s good fun time absorbing. And it gets better the longer you are on there, and the more friends you make. I agree about the auto sharing from WP to Twitter. I did it very early on, but soon realised it’s pretty pointless as there are no tags added – so hardly anyone sees it – only your friends. You really want to find new people all the time as that will bring some new viewers to your blog, but Twitter and WP never do explain that tiny flaw in auto posting. I do everything the long way! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have to get in the habit of reposting in a way that makes sense. I’m trying to only get on there once a day and to keep it brief. I had fun the first few days, as I was home with the flu and not writing anything substantial anyway. It’s amazing how fast the followers grow. And I’m happy to see lots of friends on there. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely shots , Brenda! I see love thickening up with a Happy Spring upon us!
    Think I found you on twitter, and followed! I use my other name, Resa McConaghy, on Twitter! (bit of a story!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m on Twitter too, and I also don’t care for the way WordPress sends tweets. So I just copy the shortlink of the blog, go to Twitter, introduce whatever I want, paste the link, and add my own pic. Looking forward to playing with you over there too!

    Liked by 1 person

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