Masquerading Veiled Fairies

I hope you enjoy this bit of white magic from Lavender Moon Girl to break up the week. Have lovely days, everyone! Warmly, Brenda

Lavender Moon: Artist, Poet and Lover of Nature

 Masquerading Veiled Fairies

Masquerading veiled fairies

Dance in a cascading


As radiant stamens

Parade their flames.

The  dogs and I love to walk in our local nature reserve; I call it the Fairy Woodland because it really is a special place to sit and enjoy magical moments such as the delicate scent of mingled blossom from a dew drop, a tiny Blue butterfly sunning its wings on a buttercup, a cuckoo and at dusk the eerie cry of a barn owl.

Happy first day of June everyone.  🙂

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10 thoughts on “Masquerading Veiled Fairies

  1. This was such a lovely parade of veiled fairies in masquerade. I am pondering the word, “mane” in this and need to check back if you can explain this meaning to me, dear Brenda.


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