Clan Destined, Part III


The Clan Meeting

Gregori and Darvin fell into step on the rocky climb to the Great Cavern where all clan meetings were held. Darvin stepped three times for every one of Gregori’s long legs. Yoli remained behind to care for Wizen, unwilling to leave him in case the antibiotic did not help. The silence between the foster brothers was the consistency of clotted cream: thick, opaque, but oddly sweet.

“I was a goner.” Gregori said into the silence. He carried a lantern to light his way, not having dwarvish eyes, canny with night sight.

“Nah,” Darvin said. “You’d have farted, and they all would have run away.”

“Oh, Darvin!” Gregori groaned, although he couldn’t help laughing at the same time. “That hail hurt.” Gregori rubbed his head, his long legs taking him easily up winding path. Most clan longhouses were down the mountain, only the Great Cavern entrance was higher than the shaman’s longhouse.

“Lucky you have a hard head,” Darvin joked, giving Gregori a shove on his waist. He wasn’t sure that Gregori even felt it. He was happy to have such a big, strong ally in the upcoming meeting, but sometimes Gregori made him feel small, which he didn’t like.

Sillette would be at the meeting. His breath quickened. He didn’t know if it was because of the climb or because he was thinking of Sillette.

“Forst hates me and wants me to leave.” Gregori had never spoken of Forst’s dislike before tonight.

“Perhaps the blow on his head knocked his tongue loose,” Darvin thought to himself, smirking. Then he sobered, remembering the welfare of the clan depended on him. His father wouldn’t joke around and waste their last few moments alone.

“He doesn’t hate you,” Darvin said, hoping it was true. “He just needs someone to blame for his wife being murdered.”

“I had nothing to do with that!” Gregori protested.

“I know.” Darvin was hasty to say. “It doesn’t make any sense. At all. He’s wrong. But how do we get him to stop?”

“I wish I knew.” Gregori said. “Do you think I should move away?”

“No!” Darvin stopped on the path, shocked now. “Of course not, you’re my brother. Don’t be stupid.”

“Well, okay then,” sighed Gregori. “I don’t really want to go. Where would I go?”

“Nowhere!” Darvin could see the entrance now. “We need you. You have more respect in the clan than Uncle Forst. He’s been such a cranky old sourpuss for so long.”

They passed into the Great Cavern. Inside the ring of torches, most of the chairs were already taken. Granite was standing in front of the Laird’s chair, and all the elders were assembled and listening to him.

“The satellites are a myth. Eyes in the sky watching us! Please! We produce more metalwork smelting during the day. It’s hindering production having to adhere to an outdated schedule. We need to set aside the old fears.”

The elders murmured. Darvin approached the Laird’s chair, but Granite blocked his way.

“You are not an elder,” Granite told him.

“I am here in the Laird’s place, with his authority,” Darvin said coolly. “Let me take the Laird’s chair.”

“We already know what the Laird would say. You and Gregori are children and should go home.” Darvin knew that if he backed down, he would have failed himself and his father. He felt all his doubts and fears warming him. What should he say?

Gregori laid a supportive hand on Darvin’s shoulder from his great height. In here, a giant could stand upright under the high domed ceiling. “Stand aside, my foster brother wants to take the Laird’s chair.”

“I’ve already said we don’t need your input here, boy.” Calling Gregori boy was not just rude, it was too close to what Uncle Forst called him. Darvin felt himself bristle, but losing his temper would never do. He reminded himself to be gentle, this was Sillette’s father. He tried to picture the sunrise, that gorgeous cooling sunrise of that very morning.

“Let my nephew take the Laird’s chair, Granite. Let Gregori sit as well. If my brother has sent them, then they should be heard.” Uncle Forst had risen from his chair, frowning mightily.

“We already know what they will say. And the giant has no place here.” Granite repeated.

“Gregori is not a flatlander giant, he’s Mountain Clan. He’s one of the best of us. His size has done nothing but benefit all of us.” Forst sat back down next to Imelia, looking a bit surprised at what had come out of his mouth, but nodding at its truth. Imelia patted his thigh and nodded approvingly at him. Gregori stared at Forst.

“Father,” Sillette raised her voice, too.

“Sit down, Sillette, you are not an elder either.”

“Granite, I will speak.” Darvin said, the setdown to Sillette was the last straw. “I will be heard, and if you don’t care to listen, you may leave. There’s the door.” He pointed at the entrance of the cavern.

Granite stuck out his chest, took a breath, but was interrupted by the quiet voice of Madda, Doctor Rumald’s heart mother.

“Sit down, Granite, we all know what you will say, too.” Madda said quietly, her voice respectful but firm, and a few snickers were heard from other elders. “You were young once, Granite, but you always expected others to listen to you.”

Granite sat, glowering at Darvin. “I want to talk about the smelting, but first I have a story to tell you.” Darvin told the story of his scrying adventure and the defeat of the robbers with lightning and hail. Then he sat and gave Gregori the floor.

Gregori rubbed his head, and confirmed what Darvin had said. “I had sold all the metalwork, and I was carrying a lot of clan gold, including yours, Granite. I had traveled a long way the night before, and I was exhausted. The robbers outnumbered me five to one. They knocked me cold, thinking I was the wizard calling down the lightning. Darvin’s magic scared away the robbers and saved my life. Despite this big lump, I brought home the giant medicine and our gold, only because Darvin is a great shaman just like his father. I think we should listen to him. If it weren’t for him, our gold would be gone and Laird Wizen would lay dying still.”

Gregori glared around at them, defying them to disagree, and when they did not, his expression gentled. “Doctor Rumald sends his love, Madda, Farch.” Madda blinked many times, and Farch reached out to hold her hand. “Doctor Rumald also sent worrying news: newspapers printed photographs of smoke on Clan Mountain. The giants believe the smoke is a forest fire. Firefighters will be sent if airplanes confirm more smoke. He urges the clan to stop daylight smelting. Secrecy is our most important defense.”

Darvin stood, again taking control of the meeting. “My father will be better in a few days if my mother gets her way. And you know she likes to get her way.” The elders chuckled, nodding. At one time or another, Yoli had healed most of the elders or one of their family. “Meanwhile, let’s not take any chances on a war. If we stop daylight smelting, the smoke will be gone. The planes will go away again, and the giants will leave us be. This is my father’s wish and mine.” He sat.

“Let’s adhere to the schedule that has kept us safe for hundreds of years.” Sillette would be silent no more. “The histories have terrible stories of torture, murders and pointless deaths resulting from giant-dwarf wars.”

Granite stood up again, this time waiting politely for his daughter to sit down. “Let’s stop daylight smelting until Doctor Rumald returns. If he confirms these things, we should respect the schedule.”

Darvin started clapping. Gregori joined it, his large hands very loud, and all the elders joined in. Granite nodded at Darvin and sat again. Conversations broke out all around the torch-lit circle. The others agreed to stop daylight smelting.


Darvin quickly ended the meeting, but many elders had questions about his scrying adventure. When all the questions were answered, Sillette and Gregori had left. Darvin walked slowly down the path, pausing to lift his nose to the stars. The cool air seeped into his bones, releasing the last lingering warmth of his fears. For the first time, his destiny seemed sweet rather than frightening. The song of the stars filled his senses, and they sang to him of Sillette.

“I know you’re there.” He said to the night sky. Sillette stood up from where she had been hiding, blending in the rocks.

“How did you know?”

“I always know,” Darvin admitted. He put an arm around her waist and drew her close. He stole his first kiss, and it wasn’t his last.

Yogurt with Mashed Bananas

I cup Low-Fat Greek Yogurt, plain
1 ripe banana
1/3 cup granola
1 teaspoon honey
optional: fresh blueberries or strawberries (hulled and picked through)

In a mixing bowl, mash the banana into the yogurt with a fork. Stir in the honey. Sprinkle granola on top. Can also add fresh blueberries or strawberries for color and taste.

Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

29 thoughts on “Clan Destined, Part III

  1. Hi Brenda – At long last I’ve managed to get back and finish the story. You’ve no idea how it has been preying on my mind. I just needed to make sure the hero got the girl – I know, I should have trusted you.

    But please – if you write any more in this world – no low fat yoghurt. It tastes terrible.
    (And low fat Greek yoghurt too. Sacrilege!)



    • LOL I happen to like low fat yogurt in many circumstances, especially on chili or with fruit soup. Or mixed with mashed banana, honey and berries. But I’m not one to eat it plain. Thanks for the laugh. Glad you liked the story. I’ve been thinking about trying to get it published… I would need art, though. Sigh.


        • It depends on what you are writing, picture book, novel, middle year, young adult. I can’t say I know much about what publishers want. A lot of people are self-publishing these days. Kids like pictures.


          • True – kids do like pictures (and so do adults) and yet the favourite books that I remember from my childhood had only one or two line drawings in the whole book – now before you think it – yes, I am that old. Colour pictures in a book were a rarity back then.

            Of course – the fact that pictures were very expensive THEN, doesn’t mean we should do without them NOW.

            But it does show that a lack of pictures needn’t detract from the enjoyment of a story. After all, it is the progression of the tale that holds our interest. Well, speaking from memories of my childhood, anyway.

            You are lucky in that you have your own ‘expert panel’ to hand to answer difficult questions like this.

            One of the things I wondered about was – if children (possibly 4 – 8 years old?) were given paper and colouring pencils – would they sit (still) and listen to the story?

            Stories could be written (to be read to them rather than for them to read) without the need for pictures – if they came with a pad and pencils.

            The storyteller is the traditional way to entertain after all.

            This is in an attempt to ‘internalise’ the stimulation of the imagination – rather than ‘externalise’ someone else’s imagination in the way that TV/DVDs do.

            Sorry – I do go on, don’t I.



            • I agree with you, and books like Harry Potter are middle year (9-12), and they don’t have internal pictures, just a cover picture. That’s where I’m working, middle year or picture book. Publishers tend to want to pick their own illustrator, so you don’t need one if you will be traditionally published. If you want to self-publish a book to compete with the publishers, you need cover art at least, I think.

              I’m also thinking about doing a fairy coloring book with some interspersed poetry maybe. I have lots of ideas, and no time to carry them through. At least until my daughter is in school full time, which is another year and a half.

              Maybe then I can focus on selling, and now I’m just developing a pool of stories, poems, pictures and ideas. Or maybe I will be lucky enough to meet someone who wants to do the selling for me, and I will continue to write, draw and photograph. Who knows…


            • I do like the sound of the fairy colouring book and some poems to prompt ideas.

              Selling is such a pain! – I’ve just bought a course on how to sell your book as an ebook – I’ve done a couple of lessons and it looks such a phaff, I’m finding it hard to get enthusiastic! Still I’m reasonably stubborn so I’ll press on.

              Talking about ebooks (by the way – you’re obviously feeling a bit better – that’s nice. Hope the glue smell is fading) how do see ebooks and ebook readers figuring in your children’s lives? When and how and where do you think they will accept/reject them? Do they already feature for the eldest (do I remember that he’s twelve?)

              As their main advantage over print is the amount of storage space and the convenience of having a large number of books easily available – will they have any attraction for children – who presumable haven’t had time to amass a large library yet? (Once the ‘cool’ wears off)

              Self publishing ebooks has many advantages over traditional books and with Create Space and people like that, offering print on demand services those advantages are being extended in ways you wouldn’t have thought possible a few years ago. In a year and a half – who knows!

              One of the lessons I’ve just done stressed the need to have a backup supply of work. If your promotional skills prove effective then you need to have your next offering ready to roll – to take advantage of all the promoting you did for the first one. – So your current plan seems to be in line with that. I wish I had just a little artistic ability in me – but I haven’t and I’m also slightly colour blind so I just don’t trust my own judgement when it comes to what’s good and what’s not. You’re very lucky to be ‘arty’ like that.

              I must shut up now and get some work done it’s evening here and that’s the ‘quiet time’ in the house,



            • Kids are slowly getting more access to readers, is the word I’ve heard. They are more likely to get a smart phone is what I’ve observed, and start to play games rather than read, which is a bit depressing. Still, some kids still are reading… Try going to a writer’s conference and listen in. I learned a lot that way. We have a local chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writer’s and Illustrators here. I think there’s branches in the UK, too. You might want to look them up. They would have lots of useful info.

              Need to get writing myself before I’m too tired,



  2. I like the way you add details, features that make it interesting for both the children to hear and the adults to think about. Silence as thick as clotted cream, great image with those foster brothers on their journey! Also, a warm and comfortable silence, too. Knowing the presence of Sillette in the darkness, so romantic. Sensing her, kissing her, wow! Great ending!


  3. Pingback: Clan Destined, Part III (Finale) | friendlyfairytales

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