July Scents


Bitter-scented tomato vines
rub elbows with zucchinis
behind fireworks of kale.

Cedar mulch and neem oil
mingle with sage fragrance
above the jewels of chard stems.

Scents of sweat and earth rise
as blessed breezes draw
a cool sweetness from the morning.

Our twist-tied twig archway
leads the dancing cucumbers on
beneath the unrelenting sun.

Copyright 2020 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: The photo is our garden, in which we are waging an organic war with cabbage butterfly caterpillars, white flies, leafhoppers and other feasting fauna. We’ve surrounded our melon seedlings with a fence of peppermint. Getting produce will be a victory indeed. Did you plant a garden? Is it going well? Our kitchen cabinets are being built, and until that happens, we are limping along with a half-broken kitchen.

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