Colors Unbounded


All colors
should be free
to be,
to be as covered in glory
or as mired in earth
as needed,
or to stretch between the two,
bowing faces to roots or
lifting shining faces
in sunshine,
to raise voices that make
angels weep
or to savor stillness in

Copyright 2020 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: In the pushback against the #BlackLivesMatter protests, we fail to accomplish America’s basic promise — life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. People are living in fear, and some are being injured, coerced, or killed. Someone with English or Scottish ancestry is not more American than someone with African, Chinese, or Mexican ancestry. A rich person is not more deserving of government aid, police protection, and common decency than a poor person. As long as double standards exist by virtue of ancestry or skin color, our own nation’s founding father’s words will be a false narrative, a children’s fable, a bed-time story. We can bring truth to the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We can make the world a better place.

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