On My Daughter’s Birthday


What do I wish for
my daughter
on her eleventh
Eleven mountains
of fuzzy buddies
to hug amid a sea of
smooth, squishy buddies to
squash away her worries.
A stack of eleven books to
open new worlds of
color and magic.
Sweet treats, candles,
and best of all,
a child’s happiness,
free of troubles and cares
in a world where girls
are protected by all.

What can I give her?
Not as much as I wish for,
but more than I had.

Copyright 2020 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: May your daughters, sisters, mothers and grandmothers have wonderful birthdays, too. The photo is of a squishie hedgehog — tiny, but enormous at squashing away worries.

40 thoughts on “On My Daughter’s Birthday

    • My three kids have each other, and that is pretty awesome for them. I told them that for math they could take turns being the encoder, making clues and hiding treats for the other two, the decoders, to search for and find. I keep them home all summer, so we are used to long stretches of family time. We are settling into it well. With a few bumps and a little more stress than a usual summer. Two of them are supposed to graduate — one from elementary school and another from high school. I’m beginning to think they won’t get their ceremonies.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. how wonderful and what an amazing age 11 is, on the edge of so much. i love your gift wishes for her. happy birthday to a daughter who already has the gift of a wonderful and loving mother.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: On My Daughter’s Birthday – Poetic Justice

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