Young Girls Rise

Yellow rose

Acevedo’s words wake my inner girl,
that angry, confined, injured girl
who broke free of youth, rose up,
and found that her bruised layers 
still contained satin petals
ready to bloom in a bit of sun
in every color of joy and love.

Copyright 2018 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: This poem flowed from my admiration for a three-minute PBS News Segment: This poet wants brown girls to know they’re worthy of being the hero (Poet: Elizabeth Acevedo) and the New York Times article: A Young Poet’s Inspiration (Poet: Amanda Gorman, National Youth Poet Laureate). To all the young girls over the world finding their voices, your calls are heard by those of us whose inner girls still aspire, still remember. We women hear, admire and relate.

Thanks to Ramona who led me to Acevedo’s piece with her lovely poem, Overheard from the Kitchen Table.

Happy Poetry Friday and thanks to Amy Ludwig VanDerwater at the Poem Farm for hosting! I announced yesterday that I participated in Tabatha’s Mistake Anthology.

Poetry Friday Heron

69 thoughts on “Young Girls Rise

  1. Pingback: Young Girls Rise | Friendly Fairy Tales | Ace Friends & Bloggers News
  2. Yes! Yes! Yes! We must remember our inner selves. Must lift each other up. I adore how this grew from a brief PBS segment. Writing blooms in any soil when the writer is willing. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Heartwarming, Brenda and I love the support you gave here: “found that her bruised layers
    still contained satin petals”. Some have to work so hard.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Brenda, Elizabeth Acevedo is a powerful speaker and writer who stands tall for women of color around the world. I picked up her book Poet X at NCTE17 but haven’t had a chance to read it. Now is the time. I admire the work you did with your poem, uncovering the layers of the inner girl to find the hope to bloom in the sun with brilliant colors. That is the work poets do!

    Liked by 1 person

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