Ribbon for #50PreciousWords


Vivian Kirkfield’s 2018 Writing Challenge began in celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday, March 2. If you participate, you can potentially win prizes. Click on Vivian’s name to find the challenge. Here’s my story:

Ribbon’s Adventure (50 Words)

Ribbon’s home is a drawer.
Squashed, she imagines adventures:
parties, parades and presents.

One day, the drawer opens.
Ribbon soars skyward
tied to rainbow balloons.

Dancing, dabbing, dipping,
silvery and speckled,
Ribbon’s the life of the party!

Untangled. Unbroken. Undone.
When the drawer closes,
Ribbon is glad to be home.

Copyright 2018 Brenda Davis Harsham

Writing Tip: The more you write, the better your writing gets. The more you read, the more you learn what writing techniques work and why.

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