Yarrow Tide


yellow yarrow clouds
like bits of solid sunlight
speak of summer

signal with lazy waves to bees
salty with pollen to their knees

Copyright 2017 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: This is a haiku followed by a rhyming couplet. I’m calling it a haiku-chasing rhymplet. The rhyming couplet arguably makes it a tanka, but a special frivolous, rhyming tanka.

29 thoughts on “Yarrow Tide

  1. 😊I love it that in your country if you look anywhere, you can see a flowering shrub or plant. Over here, our climate is Summer all year round 365 days a year and little flowering plants in 33C or 34C scorchers! Other than orchids or bougainvilleas, none of the roses or daisies or anything really. Thanks always for sharing.

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  2. I love the fact you are creating a new way to write a poem, Brenda.
    I like yellow in all flowers and believe my Mom had yarrow in her gardens. She liked old school plants and useful ones, too. 🙂 The bees part was a bonus to me!

    Liked by 1 person

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