Halloween Wordle Woes

Mindlovemisery's menagerie wordle #123

A ghostly guttersnipe
crashes the party,
filching chocolate and cider.
The monster hostess
screeches, seizes his elbow,
and serves up a
with argy-bargy on the side.
Elsas let it go. Aragorns
duel orcs. Elves and dwarves
parry swords and words fly.
A giant Zucchini-Trump
is squashed under a spectral
crow’s birdcage.
The party spills onto
the street. The hour’s late.
Dusk passes into deep dark.
A chorus of laughter
rings, clangs and breaks
as costumed fiends
wend their way home
toward a candy-fueled,
spooky inertia.

Copyright 2016 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: This wordle plays into my Halloween October extravaganza, so I contribute this poem. Thanks to Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie for the prompt. Follow the link and join in, if the spooky moves you.

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