Find the Divine

University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis photo by Laura Purdie Salas

Fresco at University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis Used by Permission of Laura Purdie Salas

The fairy tale, the prosaic,
the absurd and the divine,
find their way into myth,
story, art and rhyme.

The place I seek them
is inside a fallen leaf,
a new egg, a flower bud
or a twisted tale of grief.

On the underside of lily leaves
where scarlet beetle eggs lay
is all the universe: stars,
winds, earth, water, every day.

Elements crawl from shells
to devour garden beauty,
leaving holes, stunted growth,
another twisted tale of duty.

We mustn’t beseech the almighty,
seeking, pleading, trying
each of us with our fantastic tale,
none listening to another’s crying.

Copyright 2016 Brenda Davis Harsham

Notes: In honor of National Poetry Month, many Poetry Friday friends are celebrating all of April with an outpouring of poetry. This poem is inspired by a series of Ekphrastic poems written in homage to the photo by Laura Purdie Salas above.

The other poets/poems:

Laura Purdie Salas
Sara Lewis Holmes
Kelly Fineman
Andromeda Jazmon
Tanita Davis
Tricia Stohr-Hunt


15 thoughts on “Find the Divine

  1. Pingback: Find The Divine–from Friendly Fairy Tales: | By the Mighty Mumford
  2. Im not sure how I missed this but glad I popped in for a peruse, because it’s wonderful. I think the Reader sometimes is whimsically selective and doesn’t show everyone I follow. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is lovely, Brenda–thanks for sharing links and such, too. That third stanza is my favorite. All the world IS in the everything, the big mysteries, the little everyday moments…I love the specificity of those scarlet beetle eggs!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Pingback: Find the Divine – Engineer Marine Skipper

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