
New spring leaves

Anyone who falters to a stop,
mid breath, and
lets her words breathe,
then echo,
then die,
is a poet.

Splash your words,
on a page,
flowery or stark,
happy or dark,
make your mark.
Let them tell
their own tale
during this Month
of Poetic Madness.

I hope this April
brings you breathless
to May,
unwilling to stop,
the die cast,
the step taken,
hesitation forgotten,
your voice found,
and admired.

Notes: I wrote this for a friend, who is not a poet, nope, never writes a poem. No, Sir. Know anyone like that? She wrote a few poems in March (by accident!), and she now plans to write a few more in April. Only because it’s National Poetry Month, and they probably won’t get posted. Nope. Unlikely. No way. If you’d like to find and encourage her, she has a most poetic blog name, the Dirigible Plum.

I also had “echo” in the back of my mind due to Michelle Heidenrich Barnes at Today’s Little Ditty, who shone her lovely spotlight on Marilyn Singer, “an award-winning author of over 100 fiction and nonfiction books for children and young adults, including poetry, picture books, and novels.” Ms. Singer challenged us to write a poem with “echo,” et voila! Presto, change-oh, bing bing bang-o, in the mysterious way of the subconscious, all of these ideas came to fruition, and rose like a Dirigible Bing Cherry. 🙂

17 thoughts on “Echos

  1. Oh yes, thanks for the encouragement Brenda! 🙂 I don’t usually join in the poetry madness, I write often but don’t feel I want to post everything I’ve written, just the ones I’m most comfortable with. Although, I have posted more recently on Tumblr, plus SoundCloud, so maybe it’s catching me this year more than it normally does. 🙂

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    • I’ve never tried Tumblr. I don’t publish everything I write either. Maybe times the words don’t quite say what I plan them to. I also have many mss I’m hoping to bring to a level suitable for traditional publishing. We’ll see… 😀

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  2. A wonderful poem of encouragement. I will check the links you mentioned. I started blogging just to shoot off my mouth and get things off my chest. Who knew I would fall in love with poetry again since my teens?

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