Autumn Honey


Do rusty blooms taste bittersweet,
of summer gone, left incomplete?
Thick stems are braced for swirls
from wind, even hurricanes whirls.
Honey formed on shortening days
might fizz, pop and amaze.
Will a bit smeared on bread
come with warnings of danger ahead?
Perhaps tea sweetened with that nectar
would raise an unholy specter,
a white vision of winter coming,
icy, pale dreams thrumming.
I recklessly stir it into a cup,
unafraid of what might turn up.
The stillness of a perfect day
belies the storms headed this way.

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

49 thoughts on “Autumn Honey

  1. I can see why you wrote such a poem Brenda, what a lovely sunflower that is – bee included!! 😀 Can’t imagine storms coming your way with such a sunny picture like that. I hope you are storm free and recovering well?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really like the brightness of sunflowers and how tall and sturdy they are. My son’s sunflower is taller than the kitchen roof, outside the window it is like Jack’s beanstalk thick and no flower in sight. You have to literally go outside to see the blosdom. Lol.
    Your premonitions shine in how the bee gets nectar, fall flower may be bitter, then, dare you spread honey on toast, since it may bring cool air, change the tea’s flavor and ultimately ice and snow follow as seasons. . . Awesome train of thought.
    I saw you mentioned editing to a commenter. I am doing more of this myself. I am not nearly as polished or practiced; but refining my techniques has been nice for stretching my brain, Brenda. ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think the original idea is about 10% of the work of writing and the rest is editing. I always try to correct grammar of course, but also, I always ask myself: what was the original idea, and can I make it clearer or more fun? Have I used the best words? Is it as short as I can make it? Did I flesh out character or emotion as well as I can? Is it something I’ve already done? Can I use language in a new way and still say a thing clearly? I enjoy the editing process. Lately, I’ve been so tired, I’m having trouble answering some of my own questions! LOL Then I know it’s not ready, and I delay until I’ve answered them all, best as my ability allows.


      • You are a professional poet with amazing perseverance, Brenda. Thank you, thank you for your great questions! I happen to be posting about a bee on my blog tmrrw, oh and a “busy bee” who wrote her first post about me. The content is very embarrassing(subject: me) but I hope there will be encouraging comments from my fellow experienced bloggers anyway. Smiles, Robin


  3. You will live dangerously, Brenda! I was completely hooked from the first two lines… I tend to shy away from writing rhymed poems lately but just hearing the pairing of “nectar” and “specter” made me strongly re-evaluate this. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Okay – so I pulled this up and BOTH my kids came right over to see the photo. It’s beautiful. But they were divided about the bee. It was a good excuse to talk about where honey comes from 😉 I love visiting your site for little moments like this over here. Thanks for sharing a little bit of sun (or at least autumn without snow, which is what we got up here today).

    Liked by 1 person

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