Gold Star Summer

Yellow Dahlia

A gold star for the summer,
stargazing, hiking, swimming —
so many fun things done.
Wobbly knees and a sore shoulder
didn’t make me stagnate or molder.
Traveling, dozing, lazing, crazing —
good memories, hard won.
Of these things are people made,
good and bad, I wouldn’t trade
memories for anything under the sun.

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: I’m sad to report my shoulder requires rotator cuff surgery later this month. I’ll be busy getting my family ready to weather my disability. But I’m going to keep writing posts and visiting your blogs, whenever I can manage it. It might not be my most cheerful fall. 😉

54 thoughts on “Gold Star Summer

  1. Lovely yellow energising flower to help with your recovery from your shoulder surgery. Sorry Brenda, I think in one of my previous comments I referred to your back surgery. I ‘m not sure why I got that wrong.! Hugs 🙂


  2. Oh dear, yes, the ups and downs of life, we take a lot of it! Hopefully those lovely times will cheer us when we are not having such a good time. The thought of surgery is not pleasant at all!! I’m so sorry to hear it’s got to that point, that must be very stressful for you Brenda. I hope all goes well for you considering your shoulder, and you get the best of care from everyone around you. Take as much rest as you can, and don’t worry about catching up with blog posts. What matter most is you, and getting better. Wishing for brighter things for you very soon!! 🙂


  3. The surgery is a necessity, Brenda. So sorry for that idiot judo guy who threw you repetitively!
    I think my fingers going numb and having to lie flat on my back so my arms don’t go numb are just old age and plain annoying. If I were to have pain in these areas, I would opt for surgery.
    The Gold Star ☆ Summer will turn into the “Soak up Love ♡ and Attention” Autumn, Brenda. xo


  4. i love your last line here. best of luck with your shoulder and it’s recovery, don’t worry about us, we’ll know you’re out there and just want you to feel better, brenda.


  5. Dear Brenda, Once You have the Operation,You will be ‘as right as rain’ and will feel so much better. A friend of mine recently had an op and is now so much happier. I’ll be thinking of You. xxx


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