Rhodie Abloom

White Rhododendron in bloom

proud full bloom
sprinkled with sage fairy dust
beckoning bees

Copyright 2015 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: Hiking in New Hampshire today. Hot, sweltering with thunder shows hovering. I’ll hope for some fairy dust and a well-placed swimming hole. 🙂 Have a great week! Warmly, Brenda

42 thoughts on “Rhodie Abloom

  1. I remember New England in the summer in Rockport, MA. It was nice in the cold ocean, cool in the woods but hot in the fields where we wore long sleeves to pick black raspberries but at least blueberries were not prickly. 🙂
    Hope you found a quarry or swimming hole. Maybe a stream to splash in!
    I wish I could see Flume Falls in Franconia, NH. It will be easier to reach than my European trip dream. Keep the lights on about 5 years from now, Brenda. . .


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