dragon dance

Happy Chinese New Year from me and from Marlyn at Kintal. It’s the Year of the Goat (or Sheep or Ram). The Goat is most liked by others, gentle and calm. I need Goats in my life. And I hope we all move together toward peace, forever in love, as Marlyn wishes here. Cheers, Brenda


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10 thoughts on “dragon dance

  1. This was so lovely and I follow Kintal, have found myself unable on my Reader to push, “Like,” though. Wondering if it is just my reader or everyone’s? Smiles for the colors and description and Happy belated Chinese New Year to all!


      • I was just thinking – you should try to create a Chinese dragon – using big paper bags to create the body (put the big over one’s head and the head will pop thru a hole and the arms will pop thru 2 holes – cut out). Then another bag over the head with holes for eyes, nose and mouth. Decorate the bags. Then hold onto each other – hands around the waist or create some sort of attachment for all of the segments and dance around the house!!! If I had more people home other than my self and Pee, I would give this a try:)


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