Leprechaun Limerick


Over the rainbow, Finn danced.
Leprechauns watched him, entranced.
Nibbling clover,
The world over,
Until, on their gold, he chanced. 

Note: The art work is courtesy of my daughter, and the cookie is courtesy of Antoine’s Pastry Shop. I hope you like this limerick for St. Patrick’s Day! A limerick is usually a silly poem with 5 lines having the rhyming pattern AABBA. The A lines are half again longer than the B lines. Even more relevantly, Limerick is an Irish city on the River Shannon.

Just for the love of limericks, here are a few favorites:

There was a young belle of old Natchez
Whose garments were always in patchez.
When comments arose
On the state of her clothes,
She replied, “When Ah itchez, Ah scratchez.”
—Ogden Nash

There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, “It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!”
—Edward Lear

There was a small boy of Quebec
Who was buried in snow to his neck.
When they asked, “Are you friz?”
He replied, “Yes, I is —
But we don’t call this cold in Quebec!”
—Rudyard Kipling


53 thoughts on “Leprechaun Limerick

  1. I know, I’m over a month late to weigh in, but here’s one of my faves:
    There was a young woman from Clyde
    Who ate too many green apples and died
    The apples fermented inside the lamented
    And made cider inside her inside.

    3/17 is my anniversary, so this post made me smile extra.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Leprechaun and The Kitten (3 Limericks) | Friendly Fairy Tales
  3. Hi Brenda, great to catch up again. I love limericks… it may have something to do with the Irish blood in my veins. 🙂 As for Saint Patrick’s Day, there was a school of thought that said it should rain by Saint Patrick’s Day for a good season on the farm. The saying goes thusly: “If it rains before Saint Patrick’s Day, it’s too early. If it rains after Saint Patrick’s Day, it’s too late, and if it rains on Saint Patrick’s Day, it will spoil the (horse) races.” I attended several Saint Patrick’s Day Race Meetings when I was a lot younger….and did not need to travel far, especially in an area where an Irish background was not in the minority.


    • I never knew about the race meetings on St. P’s day. Here it’s all green beer, green hats and shamrocks. I like that saying, it’s adorably depressing. 🙂 I’m part Irish, too, and I want to visit one day. Very much!


      • Not sure just how significant the races are around Warrnambool these days. But the green beers flows etc. I grew up about 20 miles from a very strong Irish area.

        I visited Ireland in 1976. After singing Galway Bay in Primary School…just had to. Was a great few days, still remember lyrics from a pub folk song. Short visit but quite a few memories.


    • I missed this in notifications, I have no idea why. I remember one day where they came and went and I couldn’t open anything, but it sorted itself out. I never would have seen this if I wasn’t updating my contents pages. Thanks for your wonderful comment, as always, Robin, your words are always appreciated! Warmly, Brenda


  4. When the artwork’s by your daughter
    Then you definitely oughta
    Put it up in a post
    (Though the cookie’s now toast)
    So I can comment in rhyme – well sorta.

    What a good idea to have a limerick on St Patrick’s Day (Apologies to St P for my attempt)


    • How did I miss this? I love your poem. 🙂 I was updating my contents pages, and I saw this for the first time. I had a lot of trouble with my notifications recently, I wonder what else I missed… Ah well, life is grand, but never perfect. 🙂 Have a great week ahead! Warmly, Brenda


  5. Brenda, I appreciate the lesson in exactly what a Limerick as much as the Limerick itself. BTW your daughter does great art, can’t speak to the cookie, but it does look good. Take care, Bill


    • Bill, How can you not love a gingerbread man in disguise as a leprechaun? LOL Especially when I didn’t have to eat it. I would love to see a limerick of yours one day. Hugs, Brenda


    • Thanks! I planted that flower last spring, and then entirely forgot I had planted it. Shamefully neglected it. Narrowly missed pulling it as a weed, and it repaid my neglect by growing into an enormous bloom, so heavy it sank right to the sidewalk, and no staking would save it. It had to be cut for the sake of the other buds.


    • I’m so happy you did. Limericks are hard! I had never written one before, but it seemed like the right choice for St. Patty’s Day. 🙂 Sláinte Brenda


  6. Thank you for the fun post, I like limericks! 🙂 I try to write them myself sometimes – but I don’t get very far. 😐 My Dad would have liked this I’m sure – he was from Dublin. The Irish love their limericks! 🙂


    • I’m so happy at that thought. I was trying to write a Naani, and then I thought that’s silly, I really should write a limerick for St. Patty’s Day! 🙂 Cheers, Brenda


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