Love Letter to Elm Bank

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You welcome me with sweeping views,
Embrace me with beauty from all directions,
Tantalize me with sunshine magic,
Tease me with glimpses of fairy friends,


Direct me down secret paths,
Reveal hidden treasures,
Send cool breezes across the waterways,

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Bring ancient magic to the stillness,
Raise my soul up to fly with the swifts,
Always calling forth my own inner goddess,

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Until your fragrance overwhelms me.
I leave sun mazed, sun dazed,

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And eager to return.


Copyright 2013 Brenda Davis Harsham

Note: Photographs taken today at the Gardens at Elm Bank in Wellesley, MA USA
Dedication: This poem and these photographs are dedicated to all the people at the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, staff and volunteers, who make Elm Bank Reservation truly magnificent.

30 thoughts on “Love Letter to Elm Bank

  1. Wow! Brenda this is a really magically special post. You’re cheering me up as I’m feeling so poorly with a cold, however, it’s interesting that I was in a beautiful garden, similar to this one two days ago sitting among the flowers, soaking up summer and observing the wonderful butterflies and bees at their work, when I’m up to it I’ll show you on my blog. Isn’t it lovely to be part of this wonderful universe 🙂


    • Thanks!! My children ran through the sprinkler. Howling, laughing. My daughter hugged the goddesses. My son pretended to be a bird in a nest. We had a magical morning, indeed.


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